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“What does your heart ask for?” – rebirth

February 27th is a date to be celebrated: the date of my rebirth. On 27 February 2008, I had a Near Death Experience (NDE https://www.nderf.org/). It was the most powerful experience in my whole life. Although I was technically dead, I include that experience in my life because it has completely changed my perspective about what life is. After that experience it was crystal clear that we are spirit having a human experience not the opposite. Definitely, we are not human bodies who have spirits. I felt I haven’t boundaries, I was just the part of a whole energy. When I came back to my everyday-life I had this tendency to forget, but the seed was planted. Now this is my North.

I was very intrigued by what’s happened and what that event meant to me.  Ever since I’ve been asking to my heart what “it” wants. Actually, I found a note that I’d written many years before my cardiac fibrillation, asking “What does your heart ask for?”. If that answer wasn’t extremely important for me, it wouldn’t be recurring. Someone told me that I had that experience because I’d chosen to. When I was told that, I didn’t understand.  Now I perfectly understand.

Having a NDE is a grace that few people are allowed, and I am very grateful. I am the kind of person that needs to understand. It wasn’t an intellectual experience at all. I just experienced what I really am. My job now is just do not forget about it while I’m here. It’s a daily job.  I understood that I need to leave my life with passion and a higher purpose. These human bodies and personalities we all have are like cars that someday will be recycled for new models. They are our vehicles.

I’ve been writing that I think it will be called “Death suits me”. Now I understand perfectly well the people that I admire, such as Deepak Chopra, Oprah Winfrey and Eckhart Tolle, when they say that we are spirits that have a body experiencing life as human beings. I don’t know how they know this so well. I needed to try myself to understand. What I felt that day 27 February 2008 was what a spirit feels without a body or personality.

It’s an experience very difficult to describe because it wasn’t felt through the five senses we are used to.  I can just be grateful for this opportunity.

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