This will be the first time I’ve written a post in English and even if I am aware of what I am saying it’s weird to talk about feelings in a foreign language. It’s as if you can communicate meaning without feeling. Can you understand what I mean?
I will try to keep it as simple as a piece of writing for school since my main objective at the present moment is learning English as well as I can. This is to achieve my second goal, which is to be a screenwriter/writer in English. I digress. I always digress …
Before yesterday I went to Regent’s Park for the first time in my life with my friend Luciana who told me there was an exhibition, at least that’s what I understood. Actually she was talking about the rose garden, a wonderful garden with all kinds of beautiful roses.
The roses have been named after inspiring women such as the beautiful actress Ingrid Bergman (red one, in the centre of the garden), Rachel (orange) and Adrianna (yellow) – no idea who the last two can be – or creative titles such as Keep Smiling and Inspiration. For me, this last one was the most beautiful, along with the main picture which illustrates the post in varied tones of off-white mixed together with a subtle pink tone. Unfortunately, I haven’t found its name.
Another great experience yesterday was to smell the aromas. The rose Inspiration, besides being incredibly beautiful, a really inspiration, had by far the strongest and most pleasant aroma. Perfumers should just put it in a bottle. I wanted to stay there forever, but eventually I had to move on because Luciana wanted to go elsewhere.
I want to describe all the sensations and sense of gratitude I experienced but not before talking about that last rose that we saw and photographed: “she” is white in her centre and bright pink at her borders. If I had seen her in a shop I would think that she was fake or painted. If she hadn’t been made by nature I would say she was tacky.
However, she is nature in all its brightness and that was my feeling. This feeling has been lasting till now. I am amazed. I would like to bring that aroma with me, that light, those petals, not just in a photograph. I think this rose broke into my heart. Last morning, while I meditated in the pink ray, I felt this sensation of being bathed in a bright white light with pink borders, just like the rose I saw on Monday.